Saturday, May 14, 2011

What comes around ...

   Goes around.  And lands right where it's supposed to.  Always.  I believe that.  It's why my work in nursing homes during high school and college allowed me to provide care for my Dad in his last days of battling cancer.  It's why I got the call to go to Amber's during the final week of classes (when I could leave exams to a colleague) and not the week before.  It's why my Mom, after many years of living far, far away had just retired and moved into Amber's basement.  She not only provides Amber with a bit of rental income, but also babysits for Diego, and much more. She is there now, with 40+ years of nursing experience to help Amber with Yesenia.  She is there now to love.

   This is what's called Divine Providence - "in His wisdom He so orders all events within the universe that the end for which it was created may be realized."  

   Yesenia on May 4th - her birthday.

    Yesenia is now 10 days old and has already had an MRI, CT scan, surgery, and several ultrasounds of her head.  Friends and family around the world have been praying for this sweet baby.  We are grateful.  She is certainly here for a reason.  She is perfect.  She is exactly how she was meant to be.  On day 2 the neurosurgeons placed a Rickham Reservoir in her head.  Since then they've drained 5ml, then 10ml, and more cerebral spinal fluid from her head.  They fear an infection and have placed her on antibiotics.  They added a stitch to the incision.  They are working hard to reduce the swelling, but are optimistic because newborns skulls are soft ... and the brain is very plastic ... and there is a great deal of hope.

  the Rickham Reservoir

   Amber is breastfeeding (and pumping).  When Yesenia is too tired to eat she is fed through an NG tube - but she's getting Mom's milk.  She has just been moved out of the NICU and into the ICC - this is good - it means she is stable and strong and she is LOVED.

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